Knit Stamen Stitch Tutorial for Beginning Knitters

Knit Stamen Stitch,    by Janice   |Published 02-12-2024

This Knit Stamen Stitch Tutorial will walk you through creating this knit pattern that makes a beautiful thick textured fabric great for many different projects including washcloths, pillow covers, and a variety of wearables. It is not stretch and lays flat.

The stamen knit stitch pattern still on needles worked in 100% pink wool.Knit Stamen Stitch Tutorial

Skill Level

Skill level easy per the Craft Yarn Council

Advanced Beginner

Abbreviations Used

  • RS:  Right Side
  • WS:  Wrong Side
  • K:  Knit
  • P:  Purl
  • Sl 1 P:  Slip one stitch purlwise
  • WYIF:  place the working yarn in front of needle
  • WYIB:  place the working yarn in back of the needle
  • CO:  Cast on
  • *   *:  Repeat the instructions between the two asterisks. 

Skills Needed

  • Cast on (Using Longtail Cast On
  • Bind off
  • Knit Stitch
  • Purl Stitch
  • Slip Stitch
  • Slip one Purlwise with yarn in back

Notes About the Knit Stamen Stitch

  • All instructions are written in American terms.
  • Cast on an odd number of stitches.
  • The pattern consists of a four-row repeat
  • To make the Sl1P wyib:  Place the yarn behind the needle as if you are going to make a knit stitch, BUT DON'T knit it.  With the right needle, insert the right needle into the next stitch as if you are going to purl it, BUT DON'T purl it.  Instead, slip the next sitch off of the left needle and onto the right sitch without working it.
  • The fabric lays flat, but it is still a good idea to block your work.

Is This Pattern Reversible?

This is not a reversible pattern, rather it looks similar to the garter pattern or reverse stockinette stitch.

The knit stamen stitch worked in a light green cotton yarn, showing the right sideKnit Stamen Stitch Right Side

The knit stamen stitch worked in a light green cotton yarn, showing the wrong side.Wrong Side of the Stamen Knit Stitch Pattern

Supplies Needed For This Tutorial

  • Yarn
  • Knitting needles appropriate for the weight of yarn used
  • Scissors
  • Yarn needle used for weaving in yarn

I used Cascade Yarns 220 Superwash Merino Yarn (CYC #4) with US 7 (4.5 mm) knitting needles.

Written Directions

Cast On an odd number of stitches.

Row 1:  (RS):  Knit all stitches across row.

Row 2: (WS):  K1, *Sl1P wyib, K1, repeat from * across row.

Row 3: Knit all stitches across row.

Row 4:  Sl1P wyib, *K1, Sl1P wyib, repeat from * across row.

Repeat rows 1 through 4 until you reach your desired length.  Bind off, weave in ends.

Learn How to Read Knitting Stitch

This is a pattern that can be easily understood by reading the written instructions.  Still, it's never too early to learn how to read knitting charts.  This is the knitting chart for the Stamen Stitch, Knitting.

The stamen knit stitch shown in a knit chart with key.

What Can You Make With This Stitch

This slip stitch pattern creates a fabric that is thick and textured but does not stretch.  These characteristics make it ideal for placemats, cozy scarves or baby blankets.  I also like it for washcloths, hand warmers, and boot tops.

FREE Pattern:  Knit Stamen Stitch Dishcloth

A completed stamen stitch washcloth worked in 100% cotton

If you prefer to create something useful while learning a new stitch, this is your pattern.  Skip the tutorial above and make this springtime discloth that is worked in the knit stamen pattern with a garter stitch border.

Supplies Needed

  • Yarn:  Lily Sugar n' Cream Solid Variety Assortment 6 Pack Bundle 100 Percent Cotton Medium 4 Worsted (Multicolor) 
  • Size US 8 (5.0 mm) Knitting Needles
  • Scissors
  • Tapestry Needle for weaving in ends

Abbreviations and Skills

Please see above for all abbreviations and skills need to complete this dishcloth

Completed Size

8 inches by 8 inches

Dishcloth Directions

Cast On 39 stitches using the longtail cast on method.

Row 1 - 4:  Knit across the row.

Row 5: (RS): K5, *Sl1P wyib, K1, repeat from * to last 4 sts.  K4.

Row 6:  K across row.

Row 7: (WS): K4, Sl1P wyib, *K1, Sl1P wyib, repeat from * across row to last 4 stitches.  K4

Row 8: Knit all stitches across row.

Repeat rows 5 through 8 until your project reaches 7.5 inches.  Then, work four rows of knit stitches.  Bind off until you reach the last four stitches. 

Work these four stitches in a garter pattern (knit every stitch) for approximately 3 inches.  Bind off leaving a long tail.  Use the tail to sew the end of the loop to the washcloth and then weave in the last ends.

Knit Stamen Stitch Tutorial:  Pin for Future Reference

The Knit Stamen Stitch Pin ImageThe Knit Stamen Stitch Pattern, Pin Image

Last Words about the Knit Stamen Stitch

In conclusion, the knit stamen stitch pattern is a versatile and engaging technique for all knitters, from beginners to the most experienced.

It offers a unique texture and appearance to any knitting project, adding depth and dimension. The rhythmic process of creating this pattern can also offer a soothing, meditative practice for those who enjoy the craft.

Happy Knitting, Smart Knitters!


Knit Stamen Stitch Tutorial:  About Janice

Hi, I'm Janice, the person behind this website.  I learned to knit and crochet at a very young age but didn’t get serious until obtaining this site in 2021.

Since then, I haven’t stopped creating and learning and now I’m a certified knitting and crocheting instructor through the Craft Yarn Council.  

I’m retired and live with my husband and eight Shih Tzu dogs. My three adult children help in various roles. You might see Beth modeling some of my creations.

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About Janice

Hi, I’m Janice, the voice behind Smart-Knit-Crocheting. I love to knit and crochet and even more, I love teaching others what I know.

Though I learned to knit and crochet as a child, I didn’t get serious about these amazing hobbies until I retired. I’m a certified knit and crochet instructor through the Craft Yarn Council and am working on becoming a Master Hand Knitter through The Knitting Guild Association.

I’m currently living with my husband of over 50 years and our 6 Shih Tzu dogs.

I love hearing from you, so please drop me a line and let me know what you’re working on, whether you love knitting or crocheting more, and if you have any questions. Please visit my about me page for more information.

Happy Crocheting