Step by Step Granny Squares Tutorial

Step-by-Step Granny Squares 
Updated by Janice Jones  05-23-2023

One of the fun things about Granny's is the wide varieties of designs you can create using the very same basic technique.

There are endless possibilities just by changing colors or types of yarn, the type of stitch, or adding embellishments.   

Large and small, dense and lacy, multicolored and plain. Granny Squares are just like snowflakes, no two are ever alike.

An assortment of granny squares in different colors is arranged next to crochet hooks.Step by Step Granny Squares

Even though the idea of making Granny Squares is as old as crochet itself, perhaps your grandmother wouldn't recognize Granny Square in some of their modern interpretations.

Techniques of crocheting don't stay static. Old and well-known Granny Square patterns follow progress. They have become stylish and fashionable.  You've heard the saying, that what's old is new again and that adage is so true for granny squares. 

Fifty or more years ago, granny squares were predominately used to make afghans or blankets of various sizes. Some creative souls also combined them to form types of clothing such as vests, jackets, or slippers.  Granny squares made with thin cotton thread were crocheted in to doilies used to decorate tables and even sofas.

Today we have plenty more uses for granny squares, and lucky for the beginner, granny squares are one of the easiest projects to make.

Nevertheless, to crochet most of them the same old method has to be used. We call it traditional crochet in rounds technique.  But that doesn't mean that granny squares are round.  You can create any number of sides, but the most traditional is the four-sided granny square.

Granny Squares are arranged in a pin imageStep by Step Granny Squares

An Intro or Review of the Traditional Granny Square

For those well acquainted with the granny square, please feel free to skip this section and go straight to the granny square projects.

A Granny Square, like any crocheting in rounds projects, begins from a specified number of chain stitches that are joined into a ring by a slip stitch. 

A typical granny square is worked from this ring outward using crochet stitches, such as the double crochet stitch.  Just to be clear, the double crochet stitch in US English is also known as the treble crochet in the UK.

Each round that you work will have more stitches, in fact, 16 more to be exact than the previous round.

You can make as many rounds as you like depending on how big you'd like your square to be.

You can make it all one color, alternate colors, or make each round a different color.

There are some videos that follow that include step by step granny square instructions.   Depending on pattern you use to crochet Granny's, you might end up with different combination of single crochet (or dc) and chains. 

Step by Step Granny Squares

Here are a series of videos that will walk you through the process of making a three round granny square.  Below each video, I have also added written instructions.

Please be aware that there are more than one way to  make granny squares and endless different patterns are possible.  It seems that there are as many ways to make one as there are crocheters out there.  The ones on this page are just one example of a basic square.

Step by Step Granny Squares:  Step One

Make a slip knot and then make four chain stitches.  Connect the chain of four chains with a slip stitch to form a circle.

Step by Step Granny Squares Step Two

After you have formed the small circle, make 3 chain stitches.  These chains will count as your first double crochet.

Work two double crochet stitches into the center of the circle.  Next, make two chains.  Make three more double crochet stitches.  Chain two.  Make three more double crochet stitches followed by two chains. Make three more double crochet stitches, followed by two chain stitches.  Make a slip stitch in the top of the chain three.

You will have four groups of three double crochet stitches, separated by 2 chains. (Remember that your first 3 chains counts as a double crochet.)  It should look like a little square.

Note:  That the video presenter turns her work after each round.  You may do this or keep the same side facing throughout.  

Here is what a pattern might look like.

Ch 4 and connect with a sl st

Rnd: One (RS).  Ch 3.  2 dc in circle

Ch 2.  3 dc in circle space.

Ch 2. 3 dc in circle space.

Ch 2.  3 dc in circle space.

Ch 2.  Sl st in top 3 ch sts.

Abbreviations Used on this Page

ch:  chain

sts:  stitches

dc:  double crochet (US English)

RS:  right side

WS:  wrong side

rnd:  round

ch sp:  chain space

Step by Step Granny Squares Step Three

This video covers round two of the granny square.  This round will include making four corners. 

First, chain three. Make 2 more double crochet stitches in the chain-2 space.  Chain 2.  Make 3 more double crochet stitches in the same chain 2 stitch.  These six double crochet stitches create a corner.

Next chain one.  Make three double crochet in the next chain space.  Chain 2.  Make three more double crochet stitches in the same chain space.  Chain 1.

Repeat this same pattern in the next two corners. Once you have the small square block, chain one.  Make a slip stitch into the top of the chain three that you made at the beginning of the round.

Here is what a pattern might look like

Round 2 (RS). Ch 3 (counts as first dc).  Make 2 dc in ch sp from previous rnd.  Ch. 2  Make 3 dc in same ch sp.  Ch. 1.

[Make 3 dc in next ch space.  Ch 2.  Make 3 dc. in same chain space. Ch 1.] Rep 2 more times to end of round. Ch 1.  Connect with a sl st.

Step by Step Granny Squares Step Four

This video covers the third round of a granny square.  You will still create the corners by making two sets of three double crochet stitches, but you will also add a set of three double crochet stitches on each side between the corners.

First make 3 chains.  Make two double crochet stitches in the same chain space.  Chain 2.  Make three more double crochet stitches in the same space.  Ch 1.  Work three double crochet stitches in the next chain space. Ch. 1.  Work three double crochet stitches in corner space.  Chain two.  Make three double crochet stitches and Ch 1.  You have now made one side which includes two corners.  Work in a similar way around the square until you get to the end of the round.  In the video, she ends the square with a slip stitch and fasten off.  

You can make a 3 round granny square, or you can make as many rounds as you like depending on the project you are making.

Step by Step Granny Squares Step Five

This video talks about weaving in ends.  Always weave in your ends so that there is no chance that your work will ravel out at some point.

Colorful Granny Squares

colorful granny squares made into a blanket

There are so many different designs that can be created with granny squares.  The one above is only one but probably the most basic that beginners enjoy making.  You may prefer to make each round in your granny square a different color.

To make a colorful granny square, you would make each round in the same way as above but fasten off the yarn at the end of the round.  Attach a new color at any corner and begin with the three chains.  After that the directions are all the same.

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About Janice

Hi, I’m Janice, the voice behind Smart-Knit-Crocheting. I love to knit and crochet and even more, I love teaching others what I know.

Though I learned to knit and crochet as a child, I didn’t get serious about these amazing hobbies until I retired. I’m a certified knit and crochet instructor through the Craft Yarn Council and am working on becoming a Master Hand Knitter through The Knitting Guild Association.

I’m currently living with my husband of over 50 years and our 7 Shih Tzu dogs.

I love hearing from you, so please drop me a line and let me know what you’re working on, whether you love knitting or crocheting more, and if you have any questions. Please visit my about me page for more information.

Happy Crocheting