How to Make the Double Crochet Stitch

by Janice Jones     |Published 01-19-2021

Double crochet is likely the most common if not popular of all crochet stitches. It's easy to make, creates a lovely fabric, and is the most versatile.  Just take a look at a crocheted blanket, hat, scarf, or ear warmer, and you'll like to identify the stitch immediately.  

Blue yarn and sample of double crochet stitchHow to Make the Double Crochet Stitch

Once you've mastered all the basic crochet stitches, including the single crochet, half double crochet, double crochet,  and treble crochet, you will be well along in your path to being more than a beginner crocheter. That's when all the fun begins because you will be able to create a multitude of gorgeous projects.

The double crochet is just another step beyond the single crochet stitch, so mastering this stitch is likely to come easy to you.  Before we begin with the tutorial, let me mention that I offer these tips to the newbie to make learning go so much faster.

Some Tips for the Beginner

Light Colored Yarns

Light-colored yarns work very well for beginners because you can see the individual stitches without needing extra lighting.  You don't need to limit yourself to white, but venture out in shades of light pink, blue, orange, green, or purple.  Tans and cream colors are also very easy to see.

Types of Yarns

If you haven't figured out all the terminology that goes along with yarn and other crochet threads, become familiar with learning to read yarn labels.  The easiest weights categorize yarns for the first time crocheters is a number 4 worsted weight or a number 5 bulky weight.  Worsted weight yarns are generally less expensive and are perfect for beginners.

Types of Crochet Hooks

By now, you've probably ventured out into a hobby store and found yourself confronted with rows of crochet hooks. Don't be alarmed with all the choices.  While there are many different options when deciding on crochet hooks.  When learning to make the double crochet stitch, choose a size 4, 5, or 6 mm.  In US sizes, that would be a G-6, H-8, or J-10.  The smaller-sized hooks such as the 4 mm or G-6 work best with the Number 4 worsted weight yarn, whereas if you choose to use the bulky yarn, you will want to select the larger hook.

Crocheting Basics:  Gauge

While these crochet stitch pages are all about learning how to create a stitch, we can't forget that crochet is much more than that.  Gauge is an important concept when you get into sizing a garment or creating a project that should be a certain size.  Enjoy these tutorials about crochet stitches, but also read about how to achieve gauge.

Basic Crochet Supplies

It's certainly not my intent to overwhelm you with more information.  That is why I created a separate page about the various types of supplies and accessories you might want to think about as your passion for crochet increases. 

These crochet accessories and supplies represent a beginning and a wish list for beginners and not meant to imply that they must be purchased immediately.

How To Do A Double Crochet For Beginners: Picture Tutorial

A swatch of teal-colored fabric done in the double crochet stitch.

Getting Started

Collect your yarn, a pair of scissors, and a crochet hook.  We will be making a swatch of fabric that is approximately 4 ½ inches wide, depending on which size hook you use and how loose or tight you crochet. 

If you want to make more than a practice swatch, you could continue making row after row to create a scarf.  If you prefer a wider scarf, start with more than the 20 chain stitches I recommended below.

For example, to make a 7 ½ inch wide scarf, you will need to chain 28 and work rows of 25 stitches each.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Double Crochet

Step 1: Create a slip knot and make a row of 20 chain stitches.

Step 2: Yarn over and insert your hook into the 4th chain from your hook. 

YO and insert hook in the fourth chain.

Yarn over, pull up a loop. You will have three loops on your hook.

Yarn over, pull up a loop. You will have three loops on your hook.

Step 3: Yarn over, pull through two loops.

Yarn over, pull through two loops.

Step 4: Yarn over again and pull through the remaining two loops.

Yarn over again and pull through the remaining two loops.

That's it! You've just made the double crochet stitch.

Reread the four-step instructions and make your next stitch.

Continue double crocheting in each chain stitch until you reach the end of the row.

If you began with 20 chain stitches, you should end up with 17 double crochet stitches when you reach the row's end. 

Why not 20 stitches, you might ask?  Recall that you skipped three chain stitches at the beginning of the row.  Those three chains count as one double crochet stitch.

At the end of the row, chain three and turn your work, so the reverse side faces you.

At the end of the row, chain three and turn your work, so the reverse side faces you.At the end of the row, chain three and turn your work, so the reverse side faces you.


Crocheting into the foundation chain is the most challenging part because there isn't much to hold onto, and the chain stitches may be a bit too tight. 

As you progress, you will find that making a row of loose chains will make the first row easier.   It will get easier as you continue to add rows to your fabric.  

Turning Chain Confusion

Knowing how many chains to make for different stitches and which stitch to work first in a row are confusing concepts.  Before we move on, let's take a closer look.

At the beginning of each row, the turning chain is created to reach the height of the crochet stitch you are creating. 

For example, the double crochet stitch is taller than the single crochet stitch, and the treble stitch is even taller yet. 

You want to make your turning chains approximately the stitch's size and create a small opening, so stitches don't look crowded.

Other than the single crochet stitch,  the turning chain of each row always counts as a stitch. The single crochet stitch is the exception.  For the single crochet, you chain one, but that does not count as a stitch.

Back to making the double crochet stitch. Row Two

You've created your first row of stitches, chained three, and turned your work. It's now time to start row two.

Yarn over, insert your hook under both loops of the first stitch but not the three chains or the turning chain base.  This can be tricky.  See photograph.

Yarn over, pull up a loop. You'll have three loops on your hook. Yarn over, pull through 2 loops. Yarn over, pull through the last two loops.

Continue making double crochet stitches in each stitch across the row. Your last stitch of the row will be the top of that turning chain you made.  It may be a bit awkward to find. 

Counting Double Crochet Stitches

When I first started to crochet, I started my first stitch at the three chains' base, which created an extra stitch in each row.  So hopefully, you won't make that same mistake.

Count your stitches at the end of each row to make sure you're on track.  Do you still have 17 stitches?

The needle is pointing at one double crochet post or stitch.Count each post as one double crochet stitch.

Here's an easy way to count double crochet stitches.  Rather than looking for little v-shapes at the top of the stitch, count stitches as if they were posts.  The posts of the double crochet stitch are much easier to see than those of the single crochet.  

Rows of double crochet stitches are also easy to see especially if you count your rows on the right side of the fabric.

a row of double crochet stitches is pointed out with the needle and dotted line.Rows of double crochet stitches are also easy to see especially if you count your rows on the right side of the fabric.

Double Crochet Stitch:  Pin for Future Reference

Double Crochet Pin Image

What can you make with the double crochet stitch?

I thought you'd never ask.  There are so many projects you can begin right now even if you don't even know how to read a crochet pattern.

Did you Find this Double Crochet Tutorial Helpful?

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About Janice

Hi, I’m Janice, the voice behind Smart-Knit-Crocheting. I love to knit and crochet and even more, I love teaching others what I know.

Though I learned to knit and crochet as a child, I didn’t get serious about these amazing hobbies until I retired. I’m a certified knit and crochet instructor through the Craft Yarn Council and am working on becoming a Master Hand Knitter through The Knitting Guild Association.

I’m currently living with my husband of over 50 years and our 6 Shih Tzu dogs.

I love hearing from you, so please drop me a line and let me know what you’re working on, whether you love knitting or crocheting more, and if you have any questions. Please visit my about me page for more information.

Happy Crocheting