6 Ways to Reduce Stress and Keep Your Family Occupied at Home

Reduce Stress and Keep Your Family Occupied

by Abby Holt

Staying home more often with your entire family can get a bit nerve-wracking. Kids of every age start to feel closed-in after a while, and grownups start to wonder how they'll achieve household peace while everyone's running out of ideas to beat boredom. Fortunately, here are some fun and engaging ideas from Smart Knit Crocheting so you can skip the stress and start enjoying your time at home.

Encourage Hobbies for Everyone to Reduce Stress and Keep Your Family Occupied

Diving into a brand-new hobby is the best way to stay energized and enthusiastic. All ages can try a hobby that lets them create something the whole family can enjoy. And as Creative Child highlights, hobbies are enormously beneficial for everyone. Consider these ideas to keep little hands (and big ones, too) busy.

1. Enjoy Handcrafts Like Crochet or Knitting

A young girl is learning to  knit

There's a reason friendship bracelets were a huge hit in decades past — they allow kids to make something they can feel proud of in an afternoon or less. For older kids, handicrafts like crocheting and knitting are also ideal ways to pass the time. The end result is just a bonus!

You can find all kinds of crochet patterns online for everyone from beginners to experienced crafters. With patterns to guide them, kids and teens can hone their skills and start creating their own crochet designs in no time.

2. Take Up Digital Photography from All Angles

A young boy with a camera is taking a photograph

Photography is another great hobby for any age because it's all about perspective. Even if they have to stay indoors, kids can really get into photography. Simple activities can help them explore different angles, subjects, and strategies for getting the perfect shot.

Using digital cameras, they can take thousands of photos, then choose their favorites to order prints of. Of course, for younger kids especially, it's essential to choose a camera that's kid-safe and durable. This way, your little one can enjoy exploring the world without worries over damaged parts or scratched lenses.

3. Learn to Cook (Together)

A young girl is learning to cook

Learning to navigate the kitchen and all its secrets is a must for kids. But the benefits extend to parents, too — kids who can cook means no more early mornings for mom and dad. Families can also use kitchen prep and even cleanup as bonding time.

With a common goal to work toward, and a delicious treat to enjoy afterward, your children likely won't complain about donning an apron and getting a bit messy. You can also devote some time to learning kitchen skills — handling knives with care is just one part of the challenge. You can find tons of free cooking tutorials and recipes on YouTube to experiment with. Additionally, ZenBusiness has some great tips for those who work from home and need some help staying healthy – like drinking plenty of water, as well as mood-boosting foods like chicken, turkey, fish, and bananas. 

Break Out Boredom-Busting Activities

If a dedicated hobby doesn't hold your child's attention 24/7, try these ideas to upgrade your time stuck at home.

4. Start a New Indoor Game

A young boy is blowing bubbles

From pen-and-paper games for older kids to sketch to silly, wiggly games for toddlers, use one of Today's Parent's ideas for coaxing your kids into relaxing a little. Bubbles are always a hit, and indoor treasure hunts can be just as enticing as an outdoor scavenger hunt (especially if you have a fun prize for kids to find).

5. Host A Special Event

Creating special occasions — for no reason — is one way to boost everyone's spirits after being stuck inside the house. Use your imagination and host an event to delight everyone in your family.

From a movie night to a video game marathon to ice cream sundaes with all the toppings, making a regular weekday into a festive occasion always brings smiles.

Birthday Parties with a Twist

A small dog is having a birthday party

What kid doesn't love a party?  But if hosting a large birthday party is not an option, and you have a special dog, why not throw a party in your dog's name.  Encourage your kids to help you plan a special day complete with food, decorations and games.  Your kids will love it and so will your dog.

6. Go All-Out with Exercise

A Young boy is exercising

Getting everyone moving can be a challenge when you're spending more time indoors. But one way to boost everyone's mood is by encouraging physical activity, notes Verywell Mind. Anything from a dance party to an obstacle course to streaming fitness classes can bring everyone together and get them sweating.

Sticking close to home can start to feel dull after a while. But no matter the circumstance or season, there are fun activities your family can enjoy together. 

6 Ways to Reduce Stress and Keep Your Family Occupied:  Pin for Future Reference

Photos of children in a Pin Image

Reduce Stress and Keep Your Family Occupied:  Author Bio

Abby Holt created Craftability to inspire you to put your own crafting abilities to good use, whether it's painting, jewelry-making, quilting, or calligraphy.

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About Janice

Hi, I’m Janice, the voice behind Smart-Knit-Crocheting. I love to knit and crochet and even more, I love teaching others what I know.

Though I learned to knit and crochet as a child, I didn’t get serious about these amazing hobbies until I retired. I’m a certified knit and crochet instructor through the Craft Yarn Council and am working on becoming a Master Hand Knitter through The Knitting Guild Association.

I’m currently living with my husband of over 50 years and our 6 Shih Tzu dogs.

I love hearing from you, so please drop me a line and let me know what you’re working on, whether you love knitting or crocheting more, and if you have any questions. Please visit my about me page for more information.

Happy Crocheting